Windsor Official Plan
The Official Plan provides guidance for the physical development of the municipality over a 20-year period while taking into consideration important social, economic and environmental matters and goals. As such, the City of Windsor Official Plan provides the policy framework that will guide the following:
- Where new development can locate
- How existing and future neighbourhoods will be strengthened
- How Windsor's environment will be enhanced
- What municipal services, such as roads, water mains, sewers and parks, will be provided
- When and in what order Windsor will grow
Furthermore, the Planning Act provides that no public works shall be undertaken and, except as provided in the Act, no by-law passed for any purpose by the Municipality that does not conform with the Official Plan.
The Official Plan is a policy document adopted by Council under the provisions of the Ontario Planning Act. As such, it reflects matters of provincial interest and applies to the entire city. Using the Plan as a guide, Council may adopt more detailed planning policies such as secondary plans and community improvement plans for specific neighbourhoods, and it also directs the development of new subdivisions. The use and development of individual parcels of land is also influenced by the Official Plan, which establishes more specific regulatory measures related to land subdivision, zoning and site plan control.
Under the Planning Act, official plans are required to be reviewed at intervals of not less than once every five years. This review ensures the plan remains relevant to the changing circumstances within Windsor and to current provincial legislation, policies and appropriate guidelines.
The Official Plan for the City of Windsor consists of four volumes.
Note: The following electronic files are offered for information purposes only. Please consult with the Planning Department prior to proceeding with any application to ensure that you are receiving the most current and accurate information.
Volume I
Volume I is the Primary Plan. It addresses city-wide policy matters and, except for the City Centre Planning District section which has a geographic focus, is organized on a broad-issue basis. This volume is divided into five major parts: Introduction (not a part of the Official Plan), Strategic Directions, Key Management Elements, Civic Image and Implementation. Supporting schedules are included for interpretation purposes.
Note to reader: Please see the Notice of Adoption – Official Plan Amendment 159.
Volume II
Volume II contains two sections: Secondary Plans and Special Policy Areas. The text and schedules of this volume of the Official Plan are adopted as formal amendments to the Plan and provide a finer degree of policy direction for selected planning districts, neighbourhoods or other sub-areas throughout Windsor. Supporting schedules are included for interpretation purposes.
Chapter 1 - Special Policy Areas.
Chapter 2 - East Riverside Planning Area.
Chapter 3 - North Roseland Planning Area.
Chapter 4 - South Cameron Planning Area.
Chapter 5 - Spring Garden Planning Area.
Chapter 6 - Forest Glade North Planning Area.
Chapter 7 - East Pelton Planning Area.
Chapter 8 - County Road 42 Planning Area.
Volume III
Volume III, Right-of-Way Width Schedule 'X' contains specific right-of-way width requirements for certain road segments in Windsor. Right-of-way width requirements for roads described in Schedule 'X' shall be used instead of the general requirements for right-of-way widths described in Volume 1, Chapter 7 – Infrastructure.
Schedule 'X' - Right-of-Way Widths.
Volume IV
Volume IV contains appendices of supporting reference material to Volumes I and II. The appendices do not constitute part of the Official Plan. Rather, they provide general background information and statistics on specific planning districts, neighbourhoods or any other sub-area as it relates to environment, land use, urban design, heritage conservation and similar matters as set out in Volumes I and II.
A copy of "originals" of the Plan, and amendments thereto, are on file in the Office of the City Clerk (Room 203, 350 City Hall Square West). The original copy that is on file in the Clerk's office should be consulted if verification is required.
For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact us at:
Planning & Building Services Department
Planning Division
Suite 210, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 255-6543
Fax: (519) 255-6544