
Policy is defined as corporate direction that is formally adopted by Council resolution. Enacting policies provides a framework for decision making, ensuring consistency throughout the municipality. The enabling legislation for such policy development is the Municipal Act, which expressly provides Council the authority to develop and evaluate the policies and programs of a municipality.

  • The policy listing below is a comprehensive listing of Council approved policies currently in place. Simply click on the policy name to download a copy of the complete policy.
  • Every effort is made to ensure the policies/procedures that are posted to this page contain the most recent revisions.

For general information, call 311. Should you require confirmation of the most recent revisions or if your require more detailed information, please contact the corporate policy coordinator at (519) 255-6100 ext. 6533.

Acceptable Use Policy

Accessibility Policy

Account Receivable Collections Policy

Accountability and Transparency Policy

Accounts Receivable Policy

Acquisition of Riverfront Lands Policy

Address Assignment and Address Change Policy

Adopt-a-Park Policy

All Way Stop Policy

Alley Lighting Policy

Asset Management Policy

Bicycle Parking Policy

Bus Bays Policy-Cost Sharing the Construction of Bus Bays

Business Improvement Areas Capital Asset Maintenance Funding Policy

Business Improvement Areas New Capital Asset Funding Allocation Policy

By-Laws - Consecutive Numbering Policy

Capital Project Reporting Policy

Capital Project-Interim Financing Policy

Cellular Devices Policy

Cenotaph City Hall Square Use for Public Assembly Policy

Charles Clark Square Scheduling Winter Events Policy

Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Local Boards

Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy

Commemorative Bench and Tree Program Policy

Community Garden Policy

Community Safety Zone Policy

Compensation and Benefits Policy

Concerned Employee Policy

Concussion Policy

Corporate Wide Cash Receipts Control Policy

Council Appointment Policy

Delegation of Authority By-Law

Design Build Policy

Display of Over Street Banners Policy

Distribution of Grant Funding Policy

Dog Licence Refund Policy

Dog Park Policy

Donations Policy

Downspout Disconnection Policy

Electronic Signature Policy

Employee Recognition Policy

Employment Policy HRREC - POL - 0001

Encroachment Policy

Enterprise Risk Management Policy 2017

Fire Lock Box Policy

Flag Policy

Fleet Use Policy

Fraud and Misuse of Assets Policy

Gift Policy

Healthy Workplace Policy

Human Rights Policy

Ice Allocation Policy

Information Security Policy

Integrated Attendance Management Policy

Inventory Control Policy

Investment Policy

Land-Disposal of Policy

Learning and Organizational Development Policy HRDEV - POL - 0001

Lease Financing Policy (City as Lessee)

Local Improvement Policy

Mall Beautification Policy

Media Policy

Municipal Alcohol Policy 2015

Museum (Windsor's Community)-Collections Policy

Museum (Windsor's Community)-Conservation policy

Museum (Windsor's Community)-Exhibition Policy

Naming, Renaming or Dedicating Municipal Property, Buildings or Parks

Neighbourhood Painted Crosswalk Policy

Parking - Onstreet Parking Permits for Agencies Policy

Parking - Parking Permit Policy

Parking Control Changes Policy

Parking Policy-Cancellation, Fine Reduction of Parking tickets

Parking-Accessible Parking Policy

Parks and Recreation User Fee and Pricing Policy

Payment Card Data Security Policy

Pedestrian Generator Sidewalk Policy

Petition Policy

Plaques, Monuments and Memorials Policy

Policy for Proposals for Funding from Capital Project (Accessibility)

Policy on Policies Framework

Procedure By-law 98-2011

Project Management Methodology Policy

PS JUNE 14 2022 AGENDA for website

PSAB 3260 Contaminated Sites Policy

Public Art Policy

Public Notification By Law

Purchasing Bylaw 93-2012

Purchasing Card Program Policies and Procedures

Recycled Materials Policy 2015

Religious Observances Policy

Respectful Workplace Policy

Riverfront Festival Plaza Booking Policy

School Neighbourhood Policy

Sewer Connection Servicing Policy

Sign Policy Trailblazing and Identification

Simply Brilliant Policy

Social Media Policy

Sponsorship Policy

Street and Alley Closing Policy

Street Lighting Policy

Street Name Assignment and Name Change Policy

Streetscaping in the City Centre Planning District Policy

Tangible Capital Asset Policy

Traffic Calming Policy and Procedures

Travel and Business Expense Policy

Trees Policy to Require Payment for Tree on Severed Lot

Trespass Policy

Twin City-Friendship City Policy

Video Surveillance Policy

Vision Zero Policy

Visual Identity Standards Policy

Waiver of Fees and Grant Funding Policy

Ward Fund Policy

Waterfront Parkland Acquisitions Policy

Water-Policy to Promote Municipal Tap Water

Winter Control Service Level Policy

Working Environment Policy

Workplace Harassment Policy

Workplace Violence Policy