
The City of Windsor has a number of programs and services for individuals and families in Windsor and Essex County who require assistance in obtaining and retaining affordable housing. The City also services people experiencing homelessness by providing supports and resources needed to find a permanent place to live.
If you need help finding or keeping permanent housing, we have programs and services available to help you. To find out more, see the links below:
- How to Find Affordable Housing
- Social Housing & Rent Subsidies
- Housing Programs & Services
- Supportive Housing
- Emergency Planning
Homelessness & Homelessness Prevention
When people in Windsor and Essex County experience homelessness or find themselves at risk for becoming homeless, the City of Windsor has services available to help find a safe place to stay, connect with community supports and find permanent housing. To learn more click on the links below:
- Rent, Utilities and Other Housing Assistance
- Emergency Shelters
- Housing First Program
- By Names Prioritized List (BNPL)
Windsor-Essex Housing and Homelessness Master Plan & Related Reports
The Windsor Essex Housing and Homelessness Master Plan is a ten-year plan designed to better understand homelessness and housing needs in our community. It establishes goals and strategies to retain and increase the supply of affordable housing and decrease homelessness. Learn more about the master plan and other related studies and activities by clicking on the links below: