P2P Strategy

Established in 2008, Pathway to Potential (P2P) is a poverty reduction strategy for the Windsor-Essex region. Programs and initiatives funded through P2P aim to increase opportunities for the most vulnerable within Windsor-Essex so that they can reach their full potential and participate meaningfully in society. 

In Spring 2024, a renewed P2P strategy was unanimously adopted by the City of Windsor and County of Essex councils. The strategy was developed through a region-wide consultation process. Input from over 300 community voices within Windsor-Essex was received and helped shape the strategy's priorities.

The P2P strategy is a holistic approach to addressing the unique and complex challenges that individuals and communities living in poverty face. The P2P strategy envisions that “Windsor-Essex County is a thriving community, where residents have access to resources and opportunities to reach their full potential.” It is a 4-year plan that focuses on 3 goals: 

  1. Strengthening Priority Neighbourhoods 
  2. Advancing Regional Affordable Programs 
  3. Measuring Regional Impact 

The goals are supported by 10 initiatives, 29 action items and 26 deliverables to be accomplished between 2024 and 2028.

To review the full strategy, please download the plan: Pathway to Potential: Windsor-Essex County Poverty Reduction Strategy 2024-2028

P2P Strategy Renewal Project 

About the Project 

In Spring 2023, the City of Windsor and County of Essex councils approved work to begin with the P2P Strategy Renewal Project. The goal of the project was to update P2P’s 2017 strategy, the 9-Point Social Investment Plan, and align it within the vision and priorities of P2P for the next four years. The consulting firm StrategyCorp Inc. was obtained to lead the project.

Throughout 2023, a region-wide consultation process was completed and helped to shape the renewed P2P strategy. The project team is grateful for the feedback and input from the Windsor-Essex community, including members of the public, residents with lived/living experience with poverty, community leaders, municipal staff and elected officials.

Community Feedback Initiatives 

A series of initiatives were launched and completed as a part of the community consultation process. The initiatives took place throughout fall 2023 and invited Windsor-Essex community participation and feedback.

  • Community Surveys: Service providers and community members had the opportunity to provide feedback on the issues and impacts of poverty within the Windsor-Essex region through surveys that closed on Friday, October 6, 2023.
  • Strategy Renewal Feedback Sessions: Two public feedback sessions were held in November 2023, which focused on gathering feedback on the first draft of the renewed P2P strategy and framework. Several Windsor-Essex residents attended a presentation of the updated P2P strategic framework and provided their feedback. Hybrid sessions were also held via Zoom for residents able to attend online. 

Annual Impact Reports

2020-2021 Pathway to Potential Report

2019 Pathway to Potential Report

2018 Pathway to Potential Report & 2018 Year in Review Video

2017 Pathway to Potential Report & 2017 Year in Review Video

Archived Impact Reports

2016 Pathway to Potential Report: Investments in our Collective Prosperity 2009-2016

2015 Pathway to Potential Report

2014 Pathway to Potential Report

2013 Pathway to Potential Report

2012 Pathway to Potential Report

2011 Pathway to Potential Report

2010 Pathway to Potential Report

2009 Pathway to Potential Report