Picnic Facilities

There are five Windsor parks that offer excellent facilities for group picnics. Information on the availability of these parks is available at ActiveWindsor.ca online or at parkrec@citywindsor.ca by email.

Jackson Park (Ouellette & Tecumseh Road)

  • 64-acre park featuring the formal Queen Elizabeth II Gardens, a football stadium, cricket fields, picnic areas, play units, new walking trails and fountains.

Mic Mac Park (1125 Prince Road)

  • 92-acre park which includes 6 picnic areas (one sheltered); a large outdoor swimming pool; lighted baseball and soccer stadiums; five multi-purpose fields for football, soccer and rugby; tennis courts, hardball diamonds, playground equipment and a new splash pad.
  • All of these amenities make Mic Mac Park an excellent choice for your big picnic.

Optimist Memorial Park (Ypres Boulevard, between Elsmere and Gladstone Avenues)

  • Park features a magnificent stand of mature oak trees.
  • This park also offers playground equipment, 2 picnic areas with shelters, a softball diamond, cricket pitch, and a multi-purpose field.
  • The trees, however, are the park's main feature. Visitors should consider bringing a guidebook so they can identify the white ash, basswood, cherry, witch hazel, elm, hickory and walnut trees that grow in the park.
  • Adjacent to Memorial Park is the Optimist Community Centre, which offers gym facilities and meeting space.
  • An off-leash dog park is located in the north east corner of the park.

Malden Park (Between Matchette and Malden Roads, north of E.C. Row Expressway)

  • This magnificent park offers hills, trails, ponds, a natural wooded area and open recreation spaces
  • It also features a fully accessible Visitor Centre which is available for private rentals.

Lanspeary Park (Langlois Avenue and Ottawa Street)

  • Recreation facilities include an outdoor swimming pool with solar heat panels, baseball diamond, playground equipment, band shell, public plaza and skating pad. The skating pad can be rented for both ice and non-ice sports rentals (summer) and also special events rentals, such as flea markets and family reunions.

Parks and Recreation
2450 McDougall Street
Windsor, Ontario

N8X 3N6

Telephone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call (519) 253-2300.

Fax: (519) 255-7990