Mic Mac Park

3940 Carmichael Road
Mic Mac Park is a 95-acre regional park on Carmichael Road between Prince Road and Matchett Road on the west side of the city. Mic Mac has a broad list of amenities for residents of all ages to enjoy, including numerous sports fields, picnic sites, basketball courts, a swimming pool and splash pad, small play unit and a recently updated fully accessible music-themed play equipment. You can access the park along Carmichael Road from Prince Road or Matchett Road with parking areas near each of the many activity areas throughout the park.
- Basketball court was funded by the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), as part of the Canada Community Revitalization Fund.
- Mic Mac Pool and Splash Pad
- Bernie Souilliere Baseball Stadium
- Father Cullen Baseball Stadium
- Little League Diamonds
- John Ivan Slo-pitch Complex
Baseball,Basketball,Benches,Concession,Gazebo,Parking,Picnic Tables,Play Unit,Pool,Spray Pad,Soccer,Walking Trails,Washroom