Windsor Loop

Windsor Loop logo

The Windsor Loop is a 42.5 km (26.4 miles) circular loop that connects the city around its perimeter, joining city neighbourhoods and providing access to the Trans Canada Trail. A majority of the Loop is in place with the exception of a few key segments.

In addition to completing the remaining 12.4 km (7.7 miles) gaps in the Windsor Loop, funding is allocated to construct 17.8 km (11.1 miles) of planned cycling facilities to connect currently low-serviced neighbourhoods.

Cabana Road Project Updates

Report to Council - December 7, 2015

  • Council Report #18030 - Response to CQ46-2015 Impact of New Hospital on City Road Network and Cabana Road Active Transportation Project

Report to Council - May 4, 2015

Report to Council - August 25, 2014

Public Information Centre #2 - July 24, 2014

Public Information Centre #1 - March 27, 2014

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For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact:

Transportation Planning Division
350 City Hall Square West, Suite 210

Windsor, ON N9A 6S1

Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquires, call (519) 255-6267.
BUMP Windsor Loop Map