3990 Loon Street
Applicant: Olivia Construction Homes
File No: SDN-003/24 (SDN/7212); Z-018/24 (ZNG/7211)
To develop a residential subdivision comprising four blocks for townhome dwellings with a total of 28 townhome dwelling units, one block for 1-foot land reserve along the east limit of a proposed new right-of-way (R.O.W.) (Street A), and another block (part of the existing southerly open drain) to be conveyed to the city. The draft plan also shows two proposed internal rights-of-way (Loon Street extension and Street A) connecting to Allyson Avenue.
The subject land is designated Residential on Schedule D – Land Use, Official Plan Volume 1, and zoned Residential District 2.1 (RD2.1) by By-law 8600.
The applicant is also requesting a change from RD2.1 to RD2.2 to permit the proposed townhome dwellings on the subject land.
Associated Documents:
- Clearance Letter
- Data Matrix - 1
- Data Matrix - 2
- Data Matrix - 3
- Data Matrix- 4 - Site Plan
- Draft Plan of Subdivision
- Fisheries Act Review
- Municipal Servicing Report
- Plan of Survey
- Planning Rationale Report
- PreScreening
- Secret Garden - Infrastructure Plan & Profile
- Secret Garden - Infrastructure Plan & Storm Sewer Easement
- Secret Garden - Legend
- Secret Garden - Lot Grading
- Secret Garden - Miscellaneous Notes & Details
- Secret Garden - Sanitary & Storm Drainage
- Secret Garden Subdivision
- Subdivision Application
- Topographic Plan
- Tree Inventory Protection Plan
- Zoning By-law Application
For general information, call 311.
For detailed inquiries, contact:
Justina Nwaesei
Senior Planner - Subdivisions
Planning & Building Services Department
Planning Division
2nd Floor, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9A 6S1
Phone: 519-255-6543 ext. 6165
Email: jnwaesei@citywindsor.ca