Accessible Service

New Transit Accessibility Campaign

Transit Windsor is launching a new campaign to raise awareness of transit accessibility features and encourage customers to consider the needs of others. This campaign was developed by the Ontario Public Transit Association in partnership with various local transit agencies that will also be sharing it in 2022 to promote compliance with Ontario's accessibility standards. The campaign uses clear and simple messaging in a friendly and non-judgmental way to educate transit riders about accessibility features, such as priority seating and service animals. It also reminds people that not all disabilities are visible. Transit Windsor is sharing this campaign on our buses, Transit Centre bus shelter and the downtown bus terminal.

Sign, Be aware, look up at every stopSign, Stand up for your neighboursSign, Remember not all disabilties are visible
Sign, Be thoughtfulSign, Understanding gets us all there safelySign, Service animals welcome here.

Wheelchair Passengers

All Transit Windsor buses are accessible with ramps and low floors. Buses can accommodate up two (2) wheelchairs at a time. When both wheelchair spaces are in use, or if the bus is full, the driver cannot board another wheelchair. Oncoming passengers in a wheelchair will have to wait for the next bus.

Priority Seating

Priority seating is for the use of passengers with a disability. These seats are located close to the front of the vehicle. Passengers are expected to respect and obey the purpose of the designated seating area, meaning that if you are sitting in one of these designated seats, you must vacate the seat for a passenger with a disability.

Please note:

  • A person with a disability occupying a priority seat is not required to move for another customer with a disability. Use of these seats is on a first come, first served basis.
  • You are not required or expected to leave a transit vehicle in order to make room for a customer with a disability.
  • Bus drivers will not intervene to enforce the requirement. We ask, however, that you show consideration for those whose need is greater than your own.

Service Animals

A working animal is allowed on board under the following circumstances:

  • A harness or vest is in use.
  • A letter is available from a physician or nurse verifying that the animal is required for reasons relating to the disability.
    • Note: Documentation must be presented if requested by the driver.

Automated Stop Announcements

Buses are equipped with both onboard voice and visual announcements. Pre-boarding external audible announcements are also provided to passengers waiting at bus stop locations.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Prediction Feature

Similar to the short messaging system (SMS) prediction feature, Transit Windsor’s IVR prediction feature allows passengers to dial in for an up-to-the-minute prediction of a Transit Windsor bus arrival at a chosen stop. This is achieved by calling 519-944-4111 and following the instructions.

Short Messaging Service (SMS)

Passengers can request the arrival time of the next Transit Windsor bus by texting the bus stop ID to 88881. Bus stop IDs can be found on bus stop signs in the top right corner of each sign.


Braille and large print schedules are available upon request by contacting 311.

Transit Windsor
3700 North Service Road East
Windsor, Ontario
N8W 5X2
Phone: For general inquiries, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call 519-944-4111.
Fax: 519-944-5121