Transit Master Plan
More Than Transit is part of the Transit Master Plan containing short-to-long-term actions for Transit Windsor. The actions and recommendations contained in this report outline the strategy for Transit Windsor over the course of the following decade. The plan contains both the service's directions going forward and an implementation plan and schedule for the actions and recommendations:
What's More Than Transit?

Our city is changing and how we move around is changing too.
The City of Windsor is exploring how our transit system can more effectively serve our community. To do this, we're looking at the changing needs of our city. We're looking at how to better connect people to school, work, services, and more. We're looking at how transit can support the healthy growth and development of our neighbourhoods. We're looking at more than transit.
Project Timeline

Project At-A-Glance
Objectives will position Transit Windsor to:
- Meet opportunities and challenges in future
- Service community effectively and efficiently
- Ensure quality of service exceeds customer expectations
Public Engagement includes:
- Round 1 (completed in Winter 2018/2019)
- Round 2 (completed in Summer 2019)
- Community feedback will inform recommendations, Transit Windsor branding and alignment with future operations.
- Technical transit review consists of current network and ridership, existing policies, objectives, service standards, performance targets, system and route performance, operating and capital budgets, organization and staffing levels, fleet and facilities, and bus stop amenities.
Outcomes include short- and long-term actions and recommendations to create and improve transit system.
Transit Windsor has been undertaking a Service Delivery Review (SDR), being conducted by Dillon Consulting Limited. As you have been an integral part of Transit Windsor's process and have provided us with valuable feedback, we wanted to make you aware the SDR is now complete. As part of the SDR, Dillion Consulting Limited has devised a Transit Windsor Master Plan that outlines short-to-long-term actions and recommendations for Transit Windsor. The plan provides strategies for both the service's direction going forward and an implementation plan and schedule for the next 10 years.
The Service Delivery Report has been tabled to allow for comments from the Transit Windsor Advisory Committee and the general public. The final comprehensive report is expected to go back to the Transit Windsor Advisory Committee in December and City Council in January for approval.
- Round two of the "project engagement"
Privacy Statement - Notice of Collection
The information is collected under the authority of Section 10, Municipal Act. The information will only be used to improve the City of Windsor's commitment to customer engagement and is subject to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990.
For any questions regarding the Transit Master Plan, email Transit Windsor.