Letter For Employers
Letters for Employers
Attention Employers:
Our Employment Services team can help you save time and money in your search for a job-ready employee.
The City of Windsor Employment and Training Services (ETS) operates an Employment and Training Services Centre, working one-to-one with job ready individuals. Our Job Developers assist individuals in their efforts to seek, secure and maintain employment. Many of our customers possess the skills required to perform in the work environment; however, they currently lack the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities in the labour market.
We are continually in need of new employment opportunities for our active job-searching customers. We may also be of assistance to you as a potential employer by providing appropriate candidates to suit your company's individual needs. Tell us what you are looking for in an employee, and let us do the screening for you.
In Windsor, call 311 for general information. For detailed inquiries, call John Marrocco (519) 255-5200 ext. 5361; or Shawn Sharpe (519) 977-6444 ext. 5527; or toll free at 1-866-925-2022.
Fax: (519) 255-1011 or (519) 255-1503; or (519) 977-5695
Email: socserv@citywindsor.ca
In Leamington, call (519) 946-9988; or Shawn Sharpe (519) 977-6444 ext. 5527; or toll free at 1-866-925-2022.
Fax: (519) 322-3529 or toll free at 1-866-763-1222; or (519) 977-5695
Email: socserv@citywindsor.ca
Drop off at Customer Care Centres:
Required documents or letters can be dropped off at any of the Customer Care Centres located in the various wards of the city. Please visit our Customer Care Centres page for a listing of participating locations and hours of operation.