Determining Encroachment Fees

Determining Encroachment Fees

Fees required at the time of application:

  • Encroachment Application Fee (includes Right-of-Way permit fee and geographic information system [GIS] fee) - $504.25 per application
  • Encroachment Agreement Fee - $395.35 per agreement

Related Fees (due upon completion of Encroachment Agreement):

  • Residential/Partially Exempt Organizations
    • One-time Encroachment Fee (See Encroachment User Fee Schedule below.)
  • Commercial
    • Annual Encroachment Fee (See Encroachment User Fee Schedule below.)
    • Annual Inspection Fee - $74.50

Encroachment fees are calculated using the Encroachment User Fee Schedule referenced in the policy. Residential and partially exempt organization encroachments pay a one-time fee. All other encroachments are charged annually with an inspection fee, which is added to the tax bill for the subject property.

Engineering Department
Right-of-Way Division
350 City Hall Square West, 2nd Floor, Suite 210
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1

Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquires, call (519) 255-6257.