
Project Initiation (June 2005)

  • Council approved a formal review and updating of the City's 1996 Community Strategic Plan (CSP) on June 27, 2005.

Municipal Staff Workshop (February 2006)

  • Managers, supervisors, front line staff from across the Corporation attended a workshop led by Dr. Bob Woodburn on February 3, 2006 at Mackenzie Hall and re-examined the vision, mission, themes and objectives of the 1996 Community Strategic Plan.

City Council Workshop (February 2006)

  • Members of City Council participated in a special workshop at City Hall on February 8, 2006 led by Dr. Bob Woodburn designed to revisit and update the 1996 Community Strategic Plan.

Community Leaders Workshop (March 2006)

  • A group of approximately 50 community leaders participated in a workshop on March 7, 2006 at the Cleary Auditorium led by Dr. Bob Woodburn to discuss updating the Community Strategic Plan.

Draft CSP Update (May 2006)

  • On May 23, 2006 Council endorsed, in principle, draft revisions made to the CSP's vision and mission statements, strategic themes and objectives.

Communication Strategy (October 2006)

  • A communication strategy was launched in October, 2006 to provide further public review and commentary opportunities on the CSP updating.

Council Workshop (December 2006)

  • In addition to the updating activities summarized above, Council participated in a strategic planning workshop facilitated by Dr. Bob Woodburn on December 14, 2006 to identify city-wide and ward specific priorities, aligned with the draft approved 2007 Community Strategic Plan pillars and objectives for the 2007-2010 term of office.

Public Ward Meetings (January 2007)

  • A series of People-Based Community Strategic Plan ward meetings followed the week of January 22-27, 2007 for the purpose of informing the community of the draft plan, presenting Council's proposed strategic priorities and obtaining feedback.

Final Community Leaders Workshop (February 2007)

  • A final workshop was held with community leaders on February 1, 2007 to discuss the CSP updating progress, Council's implementation priorities and ideas for an annual progress report to the community.