
Our Economy: Cultivated and Competitive

Grow Business - cultivate a positive and diverse economic environment for business growth.

Partner Productively - bring together community leaders and local government in partnerships that stimulate the economy.

Capitalize on Our Strengths - promote tourism and hospitality, making the most of our advantages as a key Canadian gateway.

Reach Out to the World - show the world that the City of Windsor is an outstanding place to live, work, visit.

Develop Skills - help our educational institutions develop a skilled and adaptable workforce.

Our Society: Diverse and Caring

Stay Safe - ensure public safety and the protection of residents, visitors and property.

Invest in Quality Living - invest in the common good, maintaining convenient city services and enhancing our public spaces.

Protect Community Wellness - make sure citizens can pursue a healthy lifestyle, reach their full potential and have timely access to comprehensive health care.

Strengthen the Social Fabric - take care of the basic needs of our residents, including shelter, accessibility to services and programs to assist the most vulnerable among us.

Create Complete Neighbourhoods - encourage the development of quality neighbourhoods that are well integrated with shopping, workplaces, and recreation, and ensure that those who need assistance have decent and convenient places to live.

Celebrate Diversity - recognize and celebrate our rich, diverse culture and heritage.

Honour Heritage - preserve heritage structures that tell the story of our past.

Value Art - promote the arts, supporting local artists and ensuring that our citizens have many opportunities to experience a wide variety of expression and performance.

Our Environment: Clean and Efficient

Improve our Environment - preserve and enhance the natural environment and our urban green spaces.

Develop Responsibly - develop land efficiently, attractively and in ways that protect the environment.

Conserve Energy - be an energy efficient community.

Maintain Infrastructure - improve the physical infrastructure, buildings and public structures.

Make Transportation Efficient and Convenient - provide transportation that enhances mobility and better serves the economic and social needs of all citizens.

Our Government: Responsive and Responsible

Improve Financial Success - maintain and improve the City's financial health.

Make Services Responsive - be accountable for providing top-quality municipal services that serve citizens better.

Form Beneficial Partnerships - develop innovative partnerships between the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

Encourage Public Engagement - engage citizens openly and frequently in decisions that affect their lives.

Cultivate Administrative Talent - build and maintain a dynamic administrative team.

Build Political Leadership - support City Council to collaborate, cooperate and creatively lead Windsor into its next great era.