Minor Variance

If a proposed use does not conform to a municipal by-law but follows its general intent, the owner may apply for a Minor Variance. A Minor Variance does not amend the by-law. It allows the owner to vary from a specific requirement of the by-law and to obtain a building permit.
The City of Windsor Committee of Adjustment, appointed by Council, deals with minor problems in meeting by-law standards and holds hearings to decide on such applications.
Applicants are advised to consult a planner from the Planning & Building Services Department to decide whether a Minor Variance is the best approach, or if an amendment to the specific by-law is necessary for the proposed change.
For more information, please see the Minor Variance brochure. You may obtain an Application form for a Minor Variance/Permission online.
Suite 404, 400 City Hall Square East
Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9A 7K6
Phone: (519) 255-6543
Fax: (519) 255-6544
Email: planningdept@citywindsor.ca