About Us

Housing Services - About Us

Service Manager

  • The Corporation of the City of Windsor, as designated Service Manager, is responsible for the administration and funding of Social Housing programs in the Windsor and Essex County service area.
  • Social Housing provides direction and support to 32 Social Housing Providers, to ensure program and legislative compliance.
  • Local operational policies and procedures are implemented and opportunities for future supply of affordable housing are researched and identified.
  • In addition, Housing Services administers the provincial funding model for Social Housing programs, including the remittance of subsidy payments to Housing Providers.
  • Financial business functions are also carried out in order to monitor the financial performance of Housing Providers.
  • The Service Manager is also responsible for ensuring that access to all social housing units is administered through a Centralized Waiting List system, with participation by all Housing Providers (Note: Federal Non-Profit Housing Providers are not included in the provincial rules concerning this Coordinated Access System).
  • This Centralized Waiting List is administered by the Central Housing Registry - Windsor Essex (CHR-WEC). For more information on the application process please visit www.chrwec.com.

Housing and Children's Services
P.O. Box 428, Station A
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6L7

Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call 519-255-5200 Ext. 6240
Fax: 519-256-7107
Email: sshousing@citywindsor.ca