Pontiac Pumping Station Upgrades at the Little River Pollution Control Plant Environmental Assessment

The City of Windsor is undertaking a Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) to increase the capacity of the existing Pontiac Pumping Station at the Little River Pollution Control Plant. This study will satisfy phases 3 and 4 of the Class EA process, which will involve the evaluation of alternative design concepts for the proposed Pontiac Pumping Station Capacity Upgrades. An Environmental Study Report will be prepared to document the activities and recommendations from the Class EA process.

The City of Windsor endorsed its first comprehensive Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan (SMP) in 2020. The SMP was completed in accordance with phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process. The SMP identified specific improvement projects that can be undertaken by the City to improve efficiency and reduce the risk of flooding caused by severe storm events. It is outlined in the SMP that the capacity upgrades of Pontiac Pumping Station within the Little River Pollution Control Plant (refer to key map) are required to discharge excess water during major storm events in the expanded Pontiac drainage area. In 2018, the Government of Canada launched the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) to assist communities with flooding issues and capacity concerns. This project is one of the many that will benefit from federal government funding to make necessary capacity upgrades.

Draft Environmental Study Report

The City has completed a Draft of the Environmental Study Report (ESR) to present the evaluation of alternative design concepts for the Pontiac Pumping Station Upgrades and is inviting area residents and interested persons to provide feedback.

Comments will be received until September 23rd, 2022. Based on the comments received through this public consultation process, the ESR will be finalized and placed on public record.


Project Documents:

Public Information Centre (PIC)

The City is hosting a public information centre (PIC) to present the evaluation of design concept alternatives for the Pontiac Pumping Station and is inviting interested persons to participate in the PIC and provide feedback. The PIC will be held on Wednesday, July 13, 2022, (3:00 to 7:00 p.m.) at the WFCU Centre, St. Clair Room, 8787 McHugh Street, Windsor, Ontario. Following the PIC, comments are invited and will be received until August 3rd, 2022.

Public Information Centre Resources:

Learn more about the Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan.

Notice of Study Completion:

Environmental Study Report:

Next Steps:

Implementation - Phase 5 (Detailed Design and Construction)

The City of Windsor has progressed the Pontiac Pumping Station Upgrades project to the detailed design and construction phase (Phase 5). The recommended upgrades in the Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan (SMP) and the preferred design concept outlined in the Environmental Study Report (ESR) will form the basis of the detailed design and construction. The anticipated Phase 5 schedule is as follows:

  • Design phase to be completed by February 2025
  • Construction of the new Pumping Station to be completed by April 2026

If you are interested in participating and/or would like to be added to our mailing list, please contact a member of the study team below:

Chandana Walgama, P. Eng.
Pollution Control Project Engineer,
City of Windsor
4155 Ojibway Parkway
Windsor, Ontario, N9C 4A5
519-253-7111 ext. 3274
Jian Li, Ph.D., P. Eng.
Stantec Consulting, Project Manager
2555 Ouellette Avenue, Suite 100
Windsor, Ontario, N8X 1L9
519-966-2250 ext. 240

Key map