Little River Pollution Control Plant Expansion Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment

The City of Windsor is undertaking a Schedule 'C' Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for the Little River Pollution Control Plant (LRPCP). In general, the study objective is to follow the planning process defined under the Environmental Assessment Act to arrive at an environmentally responsible and cost-effective solution to address the need for additional wastewater treatment capacity at the LRPCP.

This study will satisfy the phases 1 through 4 of the Class EA process including:

  • Phase 1 - Review of background information and definition of a problem statement
  • Phase 2 - Evaluation of alternative solutions to address the problem statement
  • Phase 3 - Evaluation of alternative design concepts for the preferred solution
  • Phase 4 - Preparation of an Environmental Study Report (ESR) to document the activities and recommendations from this Class EA process.
Little River Pollution Control Plant Expansion Municipal Class Environmental Assessment study area map, as detailed below

Project Background

The LRPCP is located on a 16.2-hectare (40-acre) site at the intersection of Little River Road and Little River Access Drive in the city of Windsor. The LRPCP treats wastewater from the eastern portion of the city of Windsor and the surrounding municipality of Tecumseh. The LRPCP was commissioned in 1966 and has undergone several expansions since its inception. An overview of expansions and upgrades at the LRPCP is presented below:
  • 1966: LRPCP began operation as a primary treatment plant with a rated capacity of 18 million litres per day (MLD)
  • 1974: Process was upgraded to "physical-chemical" in 1974 to meet provincial phosphorous removal requirements (through addition of an activated sludge system). Primary settlement tanks and final settlement tanks 3 and 4 were added.
  • 1987 to 1989: Upgraded screening facilities and installed sludge removal pumps.
  • 1993: LRPCP was expanded to a rated total treatment capacity of 73 MLD with the completion of expansion phases 2 and 3. Plant upgrades and expansions included a grit chamber, sludge pumps, aeration tank, ultraviolet (UV) treatment, blower building, and sodium hypochlorite disinfection. Expansion Phase 4 for the dewatering process upgrades was also completed by 1993.

Why Do We Need this Municipal Class Environmental Assessment?

In 2020, the City of Windsor endorsed its first comprehensive Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan (SMP). The SMP identified treatment capacity issues at the LRPCP and confirmed that during severe wet weather conditions, the facility is unable to treat all wet weather flow. The average daily capacity of the LRPCP is substantially less than the predicted peak wet weather flow, which would provide service for a 1:100-year storm event. During severe storm events, flow in excess of the LRPCP wet weather treatment capacity is by-passed to the nearby Pontiac Pumping Station and discharged to the Little River as a combined sewer overflow (CSO). The Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks has indicated that any future expansion of the LRPCP should eliminate the need for CSO.

Learn more about the Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan (SMP) here.

In 2021, the City of Windsor initiated a master servicing plan for the Sandwich South Area geared towards providing the required municipal infrastructure in support of growth. The Sandwich South Master Service Plan, a Municipal Class EA discussed the capacity limitations of the existing LRPCP and recommended increasing the capacity to accommodate the future Sandwich South development.

Learn more about the Sandwich South Master Service Plan here.

In order to eliminate combined sewer overflows and accommodate development in Sandwich South, the City of Windsor has initiated this Schedule 'C' Class EA for the expansion of the Little River Pollution Control Plant.

Notice of Project Commencement

The Notice of Project Commencement marks the initiation of the public consultation process for this project. Throughout this project, the public will be invited to attend public information centres (PIC) where interested individuals can learn more about the project, ask questions, and submit feedback to the project team. If you have any questions or if you wish to be added to the study mailing list, please contact the project team listed at the bottom of this page.

The Notice of Project Commencement was originally published on September 1, 2023.

Public Information Centre (PIC) #1

The City of Windsor will be hosting a public information centre (PIC) to present the project background information and problem statement for the Little River Pollution Control Plant Class Environmental Assessment (EA). Consultation is an integral part of the Class EA process, and members of the public, regulatory agencies, and other interested persons are invited to participate in the upcoming PIC. The PIC will be held on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, (3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.) at the WFCU Centre, Ontario Room, 8787 McHugh Street, Windsor, Ontario.

Public Information Centre #1 Documents:

Following the PIC, comments are welcomed and will be received until March 28, 2024.

Public Information Centre #2 (Coming Summer 2024)

The City of Windsor will be hosting PIC #2 in the summer of 2024 to present the evaluation of alternative solutions (including alternative sites and outfall locations) for the Little River Pollution Control Plant Expansion. More information, including the time, date, and location of PIC #2, will be posted at a later date. 

Public Information Centre #2 Documents (Coming Summer 2024):

  • Notice of Public Information Centre #2
  • Presentation of PIC
  • Feedback Form

Public Information Centre #3 (Coming Fall 2024)

The City of Windsor will be hosting PIC #3 in the fall of 2024 to present the evaluation of conceptual design alternatives (treatment technologies and processes) for the Little River Pollution Control Plant Expansion. More information, including the time, date, and location of PIC #3, will be posted at a later date.

Public Information Centre #3 Documents (Coming Fall 2024):

  • Notice of Public Information Centre #3
  • Presentation of PIC
  • Feedback Form

Public Information Centre #4 (Coming Fall 2024)

The City of Windsor will be hosting PIC #4 in the fall of 2024 to present the evaluation of conceptual design alternatives (expansion and outfall design) for the Little River Pollution Control Plant Expansion. More information, including the time, date, and location of PIC #4, will be posted at a later date. 

Public Information Centre #4 Documents (Coming Fall 2024):

  • Notice of Public Information Centre #4
  • Presentation of PIC
  • Feedback Form

Draft Environmental Study Report (Coming Winter 2025)

The City of Windsor will be posting a draft environmental study report in the winter of 2025 to document the activities and recommendations from this Class EA process. At this time, interested individuals will be invited to review the ESR and provide comments/feedback. 

Based on the comments received through this public consultation process, the ESR will be finalized and placed on public record.

Draft Environmental Study Report Documents (Coming Winter 2025):

  • Draft Environmental Study Report
  • Appendices

Notice of Study Completion and Final Environmental Study Report (Coming Winter 2025)

The City of Windsor will be posting the Notice of Study Completion and Final Environmental Study Report in the winter of 2025.

Project Documents (Coming Winter 2025):

  • Notice of Completion
  • Environmental Study Report
  • Appendices

Future Project Stages

Future stages for this project will include Phase 5 of the Municipal Class EA Process (Implementation). Implementation of this project may include preliminary design, detailed design, tendering, construction, commissioning, and operation/maintenance of the LRPCP Expansion.

If you are interested in participating in this Class EA Process and/or would like to be added to our mailing list, please contact a member of the study team below:

Chandana Walgama, P. Eng.
City of Windsor
4155 Ojibway Parkway
Windsor, Ontario N9C 4A5
Phone: (519) 253-7111, ext. 3274

Jian Li, Ph.D, P. Eng
Project Manager
Stantec Consulting
2555 Ouellette Avenue, Suite 100
Windsor, Ontario N8X 1L9
Phone: (226) 704-3039