Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation Mandate
The Mandate of the Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation is as follows:
The values for the Windsor-Essex Community Housing Corporation:
Responsive, High Quality Services
Input and Participation
We understand our important role as stewards of valuable public resources.
We are responsible for the protection of the investment in buildings and communities; we value strong operational management, financial oversight and accountability to support the best use of our limited, financial and human resources.
Strong Neighbourhoods
We believe that investing in housing contributes to the development of strong neighbourhoods, and that it brings benefits to the City of Windsor and the County of Essex by providing stable and quality housing options for lower income residents.
The membership of the Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation for the term of 2019-2022:
Councillor Fabio Costante
Mayor Marc Bondy (County representative)
Deputy Leo Meloche (County representative)
Kenneth Acton
Marina Clemens
Linda Coltman
Dave Cooke
Mark Morris (Chamber)
Ann Paul (tenant representative)
John (Jack) Sullens