Granby, Canada
Website: Granby, Quebec
In Commemoration of our first twinning relationship between the City of Granby in the Province of Quebec, Canada and the City of Windsor in the Province of Ontario, Canada in May 1956, we hereby renew our commitment as Twin Cities in recognition of friendship and understanding and of our Social, Cultural, Economic and Educational bonds.
Granby is located southeast of Montréal and has a population of 63,433. Granby is the regional industrial centre for dynamic activities in manufacturing, business, retail trade and agriculture, as well as various services in business, education and health care. Granby is the seat for the regional county municipality of the Montérégie region in the Province of Quebec, which also represents over 46% of the region’s jobs and is the location of 26% of its companies. In addition to this, the city is known for its tourism and social activities, most notably the Granby Zoo, which is the largest zoo in Quebec, and the Centre d’Interprétation de la Nature du Lac Boivin (nature interpretation centre). As a centre for cultural events, the city hosts Canada’s largest French singing competition, the Festival International de la Chanson.
Windsor has a strong French Canadian heritage, and many residents are descendants of French-Canadians. To honour this history, the City's community museum includes an exhibition that celebrates Windsor’s French-Canadian roots.