
Windsor Arena Closing Advisory Committee Mandate (Archived)

Please note: Information available under Archived Committees is offered for reference purposes only, as these committees are no longer active.

City Council at its meeting held October 6, 2014 adopted M393-2014 (Report No. 2 of the Windsor Arena Closing Advisory Committee) which disbanded this Committee.

1. Introduction

At the February 23, 2012 Council meeting, the following Council Question was submitted:


“Asks that Administration prepare a report for the purpose of discussing the planning of a Signature Celebratory Event to coincide with the formal closure and eventual redevelopment of the Windsor Arena. Given the very historic nature of the 1924 facility (the second oldest known arena in North America), the event should contemplate the involvement of major stakeholders including but not limited to all local and regional hockey organizations; the Windsor Spitfires and their alumni organizations; the Windsor Essex Sports Hall of Fame; the Detroit Red Wings; the Detroit Red Wings Alumni Association; Bill and Les Butcher who owned the arena for many years; Lou Bendo and several partners purchased the Barn and kept it operating; Peter Karmanos brought the Compuware Spitfires to Windsor, nearly winning a Memorial Cup in 1984; Steve Riolo a former owner of the Spitfires; Fred Sorrell, etc. I also recommend that a committee be struck with council representation in order to oversee the planning of the event and ensure public and stakeholder input and involvement.”

At its meeting of April 8, 2013, City Council approved the following resolution:

CR 62/2013 “THAT the report dated March 27, 2013 from the Manager, WFCU Centre and Arenas regarding a closing event for Windsor Arena BE RECEIVED; and further,

THAT Administration BE DIRECTED to form a committee to discuss planning a Signature Celebratory Event to recognize the formal closure of Windsor Arena.”

2. Mandate

The purpose of this committee is to recognize the history of the Windsor Arena also referred to as “The Barn” and, to develop and recommend to City Council a Signature Celebratory event to commemorate the formal closure of the Windsor Arena.

3. Composition

The Windsor Arena Closing Advisory Committee shall consist of the following:

City Councillor(s) – Voting member(s)
  • One representative from the Windsor Spitfires – Voting member
  • One representative from Windsor Minor Hockey – Voting member
  • One representative from the University of Windsor Lancers – Voting Member
  • Administrative staff from the City of Windsor – Non-voting resource
*Additional members may be appointed by the Striking Committee.

4. Duties and Responsibilities

  • Develop a budget for the Signature Celebratory event and determine funding
  • Ensure public and stakeholder input and involvement
  • To liaise between City Council and representatives associated with the committee and where appropriate advise City Council.

5. Appointment and Term

Windsor City Council shall appoint the organizations (not specific members) to sit on the Windsor Arena Closing Advisory Committee.

As the Windsor Arena Closing Advisory Committee is essentially an ad hoc committee, the term will cease following the Signature Celebratory event.

6. Agenda and Minutes

The Committee Coordinator is a designated representative of Council Services (City of Windsor) who will prepare agendas and minutes.

7. Election of Chairperson

The Chairperson of the committee shall be appointed at the inaugural meeting.

8. Rules of Order

Elections and meetings will be conducted according to Bourinot’s Rules of Order and the City of Windsor Procedural By-law.

9. Reporting Structure

Due to the timing issues and the short term nature of this committee, it is suggested the minutes/committee reports proceed directly to Council and to circumvent the Social Development, Health & Culture Standing Committee.

10. Remuneration

No remuneration will be provided for committee members.

11. Quorum

Fifty percent plus one of the general voting membership must be present at a meeting to constitute a quorum.

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Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1
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