Smoke-Free YQG / Smoking By-law

Smoke-Free YQG/Smoking By-law
Clear the Air We Share
By-Law # 113-2006
City of Windsor By-Law # 113-2006 prohibits smoking on City of Windsor owned properties, including parks, conservation areas, marinas and recreation facilities, as well as any associated parking lot or walkway, and 9m from the entrance of a municipal building.
Prohibited products include cigarettes, cigars, pipes, e-cigarettes, hookah/water pipes and any other lighted or heated equipment used to smoke or vaporize any tobacco or non-tobacco product.
This by-law will protect the health of residents from the dangers of second-hand smoke, and limit exposure of children to unhealthy behaviours. To learn more about smoke-free spaces visit the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit.
Reporting Violations
Call, text, or email 311 if you notice a possible by-law violation. Tobacco Enforcement Officers from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit will follow up on all reported violations. The by-law is also enforced by Police Officers, By-law Enforcement Officers, or any other persons appointed by Council to enforce the by-laws of the municipality. Any person convicted of an offence under the by-law will be subject to a fine.