Special Events and Projects

Light displays at Jackson Park during Bright Lights Windsor

Become a sponsor for one of Windsor’s popular special events as a component of your public relations and marketing plan this year. Establish your business as an event sponsor and experience enhanced marketing benefits through immediate access to thousands of consumers.

Local businesses, organizations, service clubs, community groups and individuals can offer support through cash contributions, in-kind services, joint promotions, and/or product donations For example, celebrate the Victoria Day long weekend in May with us by supporting the annual City of Windsor Birthday and Mayor’s Walk, or join us in December for the spectacular holiday season event, Bright Lights Windsor.

Program Opportunities

Connect with the community and lead by example. Sponsor a free public skate or swim program to demonstrate your business's goodwill and community investment while at the same time generating further opportunities of public outreach.

  • Adult and 55+ programs
  • Arts and Culture programs
  • Day Camps
  • Drop in Gym or After School programs
  • Public Curling sessions
  • Public Skates
  • Public Swims
  • Swim Lessons

Special Events & Projects

Sponsorship Benefits

  • Access to thousands of consumers in a proactive and meaningful environment
  • Business exposure through multi-media and advertising campaigns, including logo and name recognition on City website
  • Increased profile and awareness of your business within the community, at the event and online
  • Opportunities to showcase your products or services, distribute marketing materials and conduct surveys
  • Additional promotional opportunities, including radio, TV or print ads; on-site booth displays and experiential activations; signage and announcements from stage; logo placement on posters, flyers and promotional materials; hosting opportunities; or VIP experiences

Sponsorship investment and benefits vary according to each special event or project.

For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, please contact:

Nora Romero
Corporate Marketing & Communications Officer
Phone: 519-255-6100 ext. 6579

Email: nromero@citywindsor.ca

Hayley Zvaniga
Corporate Marketing & Communications Officer
Phone: 519-255-6100 ext. 6308
Email: hzvaniga@citywindsor.ca