Promotion and Advancement

Windsor Heritage Committee has embraced two basic principles to promote heritage preservation:

  • Get frequent and positive public attention.
  • Work in partnership with others to advance the cause.

Examples of current and past efforts to achieve these goals include:

Built Heritage Awards - In conjunction with the annual Heritage Week in Ontario, City Council recognizes property owners for long-time heritage stewardship and/or recent well-done rehabilitations through the presentation of Built Heritage Awards. Owners of newly designated buildings are also presented a heritage designation plaque. See the Local Heritage Appreciation webpage.

Doors Open Windsor - is a bi-annual celebration of local history. For one weekend, Windsor's heritage buildings (and other sites of local interest) are open to free public tours, usually on a weekend in September. For further information, please visit Doors Open Windsor.

Walking Tour & Information Brochures - See the Walking Tours webpage.

Displays - displays made at local festivals and gatherings.

Community Heritage Recognition Program - Individuals who had made a lasting and significant contribution to heritage conservation in Windsor was honoured at City Council with a certificate and pin from the Ontario Heritage Foundation.

Heritage Garden - a garden, located adjacent to City Hall, which commemorates the historic development of the Civic Square was dedicated in 2000.

Official Plan Policies - The Windsor Heritage Committee was instrumental in incorporating new heritage conservation policies into the Official Plan for the City in the 2000s.

Archaeological Master Plan - The Windsor Heritage Committee was instrumental in the development of a new Archaeological Master Plan for Windsor in 2005.

Canadian Heritage River Designation - The Windsor Heritage Committee was pleased to participate in the Essex Region Conservation Authority's successful efforts to designate the Detroit River as a Canadian Heritage River.

Local Heritage Council - The Windsor Heritage Committee was pleased to participate in the community-based effort to organize an umbrella organization for local heritage and history groups.

Heritage Highlights - Short video clips that highlight different heritage buildings in the City were shown randomly on the local CBC television station as fillers. They were developed in cooperation with CBC Television - Windsor and the local branch of the ACO (Architectural Conservancy of Ontario). They were screened on CBC Channel 9 (COGECO Cable 10).

For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact us at:

Planning & Building Services Department
Planning Division
Suite 210, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 255-6543
Fax: (519) 255-6544