2144 Huron Church Road

Applicant: Bouzide Enterprises Ltd
Agent: Pillon-Abbs Inc. - Tracey Pillon-Abbs – tracey@pillonabbs.ca

File No: Z-003/24 ZNG/7169 OPA 180 OPA/7168

The applicant is proposing to construct a six-storey combined-use building with 58 residential units above 273.57 square metres of ground floor commercial space on the vacant portion of the land. The height of the proposed building is 20.12 metres. A 2.9-metre parking area separation from Daytona Avenue and a separation of 1.82 metres from the wall of the main entrance is proposed along with 12 commercial and 72 residential parking spaces (83 parking spaces total).

The whole parcel is designated Mixed Use Corridor (previously “Commercial Corridor”) on Schedule D: Land Use of the City of Windsor Official Plan and Commercial Corridor on Schedule SC-1: Development Concept in the South Cameron Secondary Plan; is zoned Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1); and has an area of 1.26 hectares with 198.7 metres of frontage along Huron Church Road.

The applicant intends to sever the parcel from the existing commercial building (Fred’s Farm Fresh). The severed parcel will have a lot area of 0.55 hectares with 99.4 metres of frontage along Huron Church Road and an average depth of 69.1 metres. The retained parcel (Fred’s Farm Fresh) will have a lot area of 0.71 hectares with 99.4 metres of frontage on Huron Church Road and an average depth of 72.2 metres.

The applicant is seeking an Official Plan amendment to change the designation of the site to a site-specific Mixed Use Corridor to allow a 10-metre landscaped setback from Huron Church Road.

The applicant also proposes to rezone the severed property from CD2.1 to a site-specific CD2.2 to permit the combined-use building. A site-specific CD2.1 designation is proposed for the retained parcel containing the existing commercial building.

The development as proposed is subject to Site Plan Control. The conceptual site plan is subject to change.

Associated Documents:

For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact:

Adam Szymczak
Senior Planner - Development
Planning Department
3rd Floor, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9A 6S1
Email: aszymczak@citywindsor.ca
Phone: 519-255-6543 ext. 6250
Fax: 519-255-6544