Non-Commissioned Member Human Resources Administrator

Non-Commissioned Member - Human Resources Administrator

Full-time, Part-time

Minimum Qualifications (non negotiable):

In order to apply for this position, you MUST meet three basic criteria:

  • You MUST have 15 high school credits (Grade 10 in Ontario)*

  • You MUST be between 16 and 56 years old*

  • You MUST be a Canadian Citizen. Permanent Residents cannot apply.*

  • You will be required to join the Canadian Armed Forces Army Reserve to be employed in this position. This is NOT a civilian placement.

Preferred but negotiable:

Job Description:

​Human Resource Administrators provide administrative and general human resources support to all military activities.

The primary duties of a Human Resources Administrator are to provide:

  • Human resource administration and services

  • Pay and personnel support services

  • Automated information management

  • Corporate and general purpose administration In addition to the one-on-one support HRAs provide to members here at home, there are also ample opportunities to deploy in support of Canadian Armed Forces operations and exercises both here in Canada and around the world. Human Resources Administrators can be employed at, reserve units, NATO/UN positions, and other specialized units throughout the CAF.

  • Work environment

  • Human Resources Administrators, or HRAs for short, are responsible for some of the most important details in a Canadian Armed Forces member’s life… like making sure they get paid and that their benefits are all in order, or that their personal file is kept up-to-date when they get married or have a child.​

This position is in Windsor Ontario.

We offer skills that most employers find valuable, for example:

  • Teamwork

  • Problem Solving

  • Leadership

  • First Aid/CPR/AED Training


There are opportunities to travel and work in many different environments.

All training is paid and when you are sent on training courses, all accommodations, and meals are covered by the employer.

As a Reservist with the Canadian Armed Forces, you do not sign a contract locking you in to a fixed period of service.

As an Army Reservist we offer: 100% medical coverage while on duty, a dental plan, and a pension plan. Pay rates are based on a daily rate with annual increases, and increases with promotions.

This is an excellent opportunity for students. We offer a full time summer employment program that will provide the successful applicant the opportunity to work on a salary basis starting 1 May to 31 Aug, or any part thereof. This is guaranteed for the first four years that you are employed with us.

How To Apply

Phone: 519-254-2535, Ext. 4512


Or contact:

Phone: 1-800-856-8488

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