Council Services

Under the direction of the City Clerk, Council Services is required to perform the following services:

  • Prepare council agendas, council minutes, resolutions and by-laws (For council agendas, minutes and resolutions, visit Civic Corner.)
  • Provide secretarial services to Committees of Council
  • Manage the City's records including by-laws; minutes, agendas agreements deeds and orders
  • Process access requests for corporate records under the Municipal Freedom of Information Protection and Privacy Act
  • Provide support to Council
  • Manage corporate customer service initiatives and 311
  • Provide Damage Claim Form 
  • Provide Assessment Roll Information
  • Provide signing authority/Commissioner of Oaths
  • Provide community liaison to community organizations and individuals
  • Provide Council Secretariat support services to Members of Council
  • Process applications related to rezoning, official plan amendments and plan of subdivisions/condominiums in accordance with the Planning Act
  • Process contracts, agreements and other legal documents requiring execution by the Mayor and Clerk
  • Provide printing services to all departments in City Hall
  • Provide daily mail services to all departments and delivery of agendas to City Council members.

City Clerk / Licence Commissioner:

  • Steve Vlachodimos

Manager of Licensing and Enforcement / Deputy Licence Commissioner:

  • Craig Robertson

Deputy City Clerk & Supervisor of Council Services:

  • Anna Ciacelli

Supervisor of By-Law Enforcement:

  • Rory Sturdy

Supervisor of Licensing:

  • Vacant (Contact Craig Robertson)

Manager of Records and Elections:

  • Terri Knight Lepain

Supervisor, Information and Records:

  • Susan Fitzsimmons

Notice to correspondents:

The personal information contained in your correspondence to Windsor City Council or its committees is collected under the Municipal Act, 2001. Any personal information you choose to disclose in your correspondence will be used to receive your views on the relevant issue(s) to enable the City to make its decision on the matter. This information will become part of the public record, unless you expressly request the removal of your personal identity information. Questions about the collection of this information may be directed to the City Clerk's Office at the number listed below.

Contact Information:
Phone: (519) 255-6100 ext. 6285
Fax: (519) 255-6868