Funerals and Burials

The Employment and Social Services Department of the City of Windsor provides financial assistance on behalf of deceased residents of the Windsor-Essex County region that do not have sufficient funds in their estate to fully cover the cost of a basic funeral, burial and/or cremation.


  • Eligibility Is based on the financial circumstances of the deceased person and potentially the deceased person's spouse at the time of death. For example, assets, sources of income, Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) and life insurance will all be considered.
  • The deceased person does not have to be in receipt of Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program at the time of death to be eligible
  • All requests for financial assistance with the cost of funeral and burial expenses must have an application completed and approved by the Employment and Social Services Department.

How to Apply

  • Contact the funeral home of choice.
  • Advise the funeral director that you will be seeking financial assistance to pay for the funeral and burial services from the City of Windsor’s Employment and Social Services.
  • The funeral director will contact Employment and Social Services on behalf of the person making the request and arrange an appointment for an application to be processed.
  • The funeral director will relay the appointment details to the person making the request.
  • The application includes the collection of personal information confirming the identity and residence of the deceased person, as well as income and asset information.

Recovering Costs

Under the Ontario Works Act, Employment and Social Services is entitled to recover the cost of the funeral, burial and/or cremation from all sources available to the deceased person. Recovery sources include monies in bank accounts, RRSP's, last assistance from Ontario Disability Support Program, Canada Pension Death Benefit and other sources.

Statement of Death Certificate

When the Employment and Social Services Department assumes the cost of a funeral and burial, the funeral director's Statement of Death Certificate becomes the property of the Department.

Social Services Administration
P.O. Box 427, Station A
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6L7
Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call 519-255-5200 ext. 5277.
Fax: 519-255-7748