Transport Terminal Land Use Study

City of Windsor Planning Division

On June 3, 2019, Council approved Interim Control By-law 78-2019 and directed staff to study the issues surrounding Transport Terminals. CR291/2019 states “that Council authorize the City Planner to undertake a study and review of Zoning Bylaws 85-18 and 8600 with respect to land use policies related to a Transport Terminal with the City of Windsor.”

The main purposes of doing the study is to ensure that Transport Terminal is appropriately permitted or prohibited, that the provisions for a Transport Terminal are consistent with the policy direction of the Official Plan, and that a Transport Terminal is not detrimental to surrounding existing and potential land uses. It is acknowledged that this is not just a regulatory problem and that the study should not be limited to review of the existing zoning by-laws.

The Transport Terminal Land Use Study below fulfills the request of Council in CR291/2019 and is being tabled at the November 16 meeting of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee (DHSC) to give DHSC members and the public time to review the study. The study contains Council Resolution CR291/2019 as Appendix A and Interim Control By-law 78-2019 as Appendix B. Also below is a link to the brief staff report accompanying the study.

Transport Terminal Land Use Study

Transport Terminal Land Use Study – Tabling Staff Report

Full consideration will occur at the December 14 DHSC meeting, which will be the public meeting as required under the Planning Act and will include a full staff report (Z-031/20 ZNG/6194 OPA 139 OPA/6195) that will recommend the implementation of certain actions in the study via amendments to the City of Windsor Official Plan and Zoning By-laws 8600 and 85-18. The full staff report will be available 10 days prior to the December 14 meeting.

Full Staff Report (Z-031/20 ZNG/6194 OPA 139 OPA/619)

The study, the staff report and the recommendation of the DHSC will be considered for final decision by City Council in 2021.

For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact:

Adam Szymczak
Senior Planner - Zoning
Planning & Building Services Department
Planning Division`
2nd Floor, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9A 6S1
Phone: 519-255-6543 x6250