Public Transportation System

Objective A7: Improve the City's Public Transportation System to Increase Ridership

The following actions are needed to complete this objective:

  • Complete the Transit Service Delivery Review.
  • Continue to explore and invest in regional transit.
  • Include Transit Windsor in road reconstruction projects and incorporate public transit needs into street design.
  • Complete a Route Assessment Study to improve efficiency.
  • Update the Transit Windsor Master Plan.
  • Continue to invest in smart technologies such as the Transit Windsor online app.
  • Direct promotional activities toward improved health and quality of life through increased physical activity, walking to and from transit stops. Focus on recommended 30 minutes of physical activity per day in bouts of 10 minutes or more.
  • Use capital funding to build and invest in our transit system.
  • Investigate bike share options.

These indicators show the progress the City is making to achieve this objective:

For more information on environmental initiatives:

Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call 519-255-6100 ext. 6127.