Small Business

The City of Windsor is committed to our small business customers. Whether you are a small business owner or an entrepreneur looking to start a small business, this page provides some helpful information and links.

What licences and permits do I need to start my small business?

BizPaL is an online service that helps entrepreneurs generate a personalized list of the Permits and Licences they need, for all levels of government, to grow or start up their business.

What type of business licences does the City regulate, and what are the fees?

The City of Windsor licences only some types of businesses. These are found in the Licence Index. By clicking on a particular licence category, you can find the fees and other important information related to this type of business.

How do I register a business name?

To register a business name, you must do so through the provincial Service Ontario office. This is different from registering with the City of Windsor to obtain a business licence. The Service Ontario website also includes a variety of useful information for business owners.

How can I get information on Business Improvement Areas (BIA’s)?

A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is an association of property and business owners within a specified district who join together in beautification, promotion, and other development activities aimed at stimulating local business in that district. Visit our Business Improvement Areas page for more detailed information.

What do small businesses need to know about serving persons with disabilities?

The Province of Ontario has passed legislation that will require all businesses to meet certain requirements to make their goods and services more accessible to persons with disabilities. Find what you will need to do on the Ministry of Community and Social Services website.

Other Small Business Resources

Contact Information:

For general information, please call 311.